Saturday, the 30th of March, 2024
Only Soheil, Sukhraj, and Dave were at this launch. This Saturday was the first day of spring break, I was gone visiting some family.
- Low winds.
- PerfectFlite Firefly altimeter.
- New smooth transition but with a shorter bottom sholder length so it would still fit against the reinforcement tube inside the new shorter tube.
- Not much changed since the last launch because it mostly went well.
- First flight: Cesaroni Pro29 57F59, they didn't record what they did so the total delay was between 3-4½ seconds, we all were confused because the washer I made worked differently than how Dave had seen and used before, he was the one who had given us the idea but thought it wasn't working.
- First flight: 615g.
- Second flight: Cesaroni Pro29 57F59 apparently with 5 seconds total delay.
- Second flight: 614g
- Second flight: They shifted the parachute closer to the nosecone and added more foam around the egg.
- Third flight: Cesaroni Pro29 57F59 with 4 seconds total delay now that they believed my washer did actually work.
- Third flight: 616g
- Fourth flight (Qualifying): Cesaroni Pro29 57F59 Pro29 single grain with 4 seconds of delay.
- Fourth flight (Qualifying): 618g.
- Fourth flight (Qualifying): They shifted the parachute closer to the nosecone.
- First flight: 760' apogee.
- First flight: 48 second duration.
- Second flight: 899' apogee.
- Second flight: 56 second duration.
- Third flight: 827' apogee.
- Third flight: 48.1 second duration.
- Fourth flight (Qualifying): DQ
- Fourth flight (Qualifying): The transition snapped, I had designed the bottom part the rope tied to too thin and weak, it was PLA because the previous ASA transition had poor layer adhesion especially becuase I printed it in like 50°F ambient temperature with no enclosure on my Prusa MINI, and I think the ejection charge heat weakened it further because of the low heat resistance of PLA, a fin fell off as well because of this and also it had originally been weakly attached, it was unrecovered. We're not totally sure if the fin fell off first or the transition broke first but it was probably the transition first. Next year we should buy a non printed transition if possible.